- Author: Margaret Bradley
- Published Date: 01 Mar 2006
- Publisher: The Edwin Mellen Press Ltd
- Original Languages: English
- Book Format: Hardback::252 pages
- ISBN10: 0773459510
- ISBN13: 9780773459519
- Imprint: Edwin Mellen Press Ltd
- File size: 52 Mb
- Dimension: 162x 234x 22mm::557.92g
Book Details:
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Daniel Lescallier, 1743-1822, man of the sea - and military spy ? Maritime developments and French military espionage, Sudoc The Hardcover of the Daniel Lescallier, 1743-1822, Man of the Sea and Military Spy?: Maritime Developments and French Military Espionage Margaret. the words of a wise man's man's mouth are gracious" (qoh 10,12): festschrift for gunter stemberger on the occasion of his 65th birthday." mauro perani bs1171.3 311018849x einheit des individuums: eine studie zur ontologie der einzeldinge. Buddensiek, friedemann b824 311018852x methods in empirical prosody research stefan sudhoff p224.m48 2006 Military History and Strategy scholarly works published academic publisher The Edwin Mellen Press. Daniel Lescallier, 1743-1822, Man of the Sea - and Military Spy? 0-7734-5951-0 252 pages The period prior to the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars was one of intense industrial espionage. 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